

Zipcar’s goal was to launch its first online magazine called Ziptopia. I led the brand content development, generating ideas for 85% of the content, and building out the content strategy from scratch. I did this by rapidly developing a content team of 40+ freelance writers, photographers, and videographers from around the county.

This resulted in the development of 45+ stories per quarter, and the personal creation of 30 pieces of content in my first year, while successfully staying within budget and creating custom reports with quantitative analysis to optimize our content strategy. The articles and videos are examples of my work.

Awesome Orchestra

If you hear the word “symphony” and picture tuxedo’ed players in a pit, you’re not alone. That’s what makes San Francisco’s Awesöme Orchestra so, well, awesome. Far from the traditionally stuffy opera house scene, Awesöme Orchestra is casual and open to all — no auditions or owned instruments necessary. Instead, pipes, horns, strings, and drums are brought in and loaned out as needed (that’s where Zipvans come in), and anyone, regardless of experience, is welcome to play, or just listen in. Musical selections are unconventional, too, ranging from Beethoven to Björk, and Debussy to Daft Punk. Sneak a peak.