RunKeeper Runs On People Power
While running is a solitary sport, runners can be quite the communal bunch. From jogging clubs to chilly morning high-fives, road warriors love to support each other. Whether you’re working towards a personal record or tackling your first 5K, an uplifting community makes it easier to strap on those sneakers and go.
Pairing that spirit with data is RunKeeper, the fitness tracking app that makes it easy to share and track your runs, cheer on your friends, and keep improving. We chatted with co-founder Joe Bondi on how our phones not only keep us connected but motivate us to move.
How did you come up with the idea for RunKeeper?
Joe: It was a fusion of what was happening at the time. I met Jason [Jacobs, CEO] in 2008. He had the vision for an online fitness community with tools for training. That year, Apple was releasing the App Store, and it came out that all the newest smartphones would have GPS capabilities. While there were fitness products out there that had tracking, our idea was to bring it to your phone, an everyday device you already had on you. Though technologies are constantly changing, our mission stays the same: to give people the tools to be more active with the devices they already have.
Have you worked on apps in the past?
At my former job, I was adding GPS technology to products and applications. One was a parachute delivery system that landed supplies for troops, and the parachute was able to guide itself to the target. We added that next layer of intelligence to products, and we are doing the same with RunKeeper by connecting to wearable and gym devices, recommending the next training plan, and letting the user access the kind of data that improves their lives.
How do you select the experts?
That’s where our partnership and product teams come in. Some approach us, and some we research to find the best out there. All of the goal-based training plans are designed by experts who have a lot of coaching experience.
How has RunKeeper changed your personal fitness habits?
I did run cross country in high school, but I’m definitely not running any marathons. I’m part of a group that needs more motivation and fun to do something. I’m out walking, biking, and being more active than I was before. With the app, if you’re posting a run for all to see, it inspires you to do more.
How has technology like smartphones changed the way we move and learn about ourselves?
It’s a more comprehensive, complete, and mobile platform than anything we’ve had before. Something as difficult to measure and track as in the past like outdoor running can easily be quantified with one tool. Usability and connectedness are key; it’s not one product for one specific task. It goes beyond that. With apps that can integrate together, there’s no limit to what we can learn or quantify.